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Scenario Based Learning

Our Scenario Based Learning (SBL) programs trigger behavior change and drive performance improvement. Herein, real-world experiences are leveraged for taking learner engagement levels to an unprecedented high. A transformation is observed in levels of grasping, application, and retention.

With a properly executed powerful scenario, the thought process is influenced. This delivers value to online learning and drives behavioral change.

SBL is closely associated with active learning strategies. Herein, instances from real-life situations will facilitate a highly relatable and relevant learning experience. The approach is immersive, so the engagement factor is also higher.

At Innova Education, SBL programs put forth a scenario or a problem to challenge the learners. The learners are instigated to select a response that is ideally suited to the problems presented. The learning path that follows is based on the respondents’ responses.

Creative instructional design is a feature that invariably accompanies our SBL programs. So, the science of instructional design is leveraged to influence thinking and drive the right behavior and action. Clear visual indicators are also on offer, so the respondents will be sure about how they are moving ahead with their decisions.

Similarly, real-life and relatable situations are made available for trainees’ benefit, for them to practice and apply their knowledge.

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